Getting it done.

where have i been?

I have been getting it done.

I have tasks that I have been putting off for far too long
and it has
been weighing me down.

Over the past couple of weeks,
I have been working on those tasks,
breaking them down into smaller
bite sized chunks
to get it done.

Every day I am a little closer to the end.
Every day I feel just a little bit lighter.

I am crossing things off my to do list...
I am trying to get headaches under control...
seeing my dr...scheduling physio...maybe a
something has got to give.
or i will.

So that's where I have been...
that and laying low while the lull from wedding photography
and editing is soon enough, it will be full speed ahead again
and I will be back to logging many hours in front of the computer...

But for now, I'm content to catch up on some:
  • reading...after reading the goldfinch and being mildly unsatisfied with it, I picked up a lighter, quicker read next.  I read Divergent (which is pretty much a teen novel similar to Hunger Games) and could. not. put. it. down.  I am on the second in the series now...but starting to lose interest.
  • watching....i have started watching the Parenthood series and am kind of loving it.  I am on season one right now and I know I have watched some of these before but I am enjoying them all over again.  And even better is that I have kind of sucked my 18 year old daughter into watching them, is nice to have something to watch with her that doesn't require me to either cover my eyes due to gore or to blush profusely due to crude sex jokes.  
  • coveting...these you see these boots?  i need these boots.  drool.
  • considering new hair....wishing i could afford a new look....