day seventeen...the night of the concert...

14's concert was tonight...
beatlesmania 2...
she did great...
i can't even explain how proud
of her i am...
how when i see her up on that stage
my heart expands
until my rib cage hurts
and sometimes,
my eyes get teary
so i force myself to focus on the camera instead...
telling myself i will take photos of her
that she can edit...
trying to distract myself
from the vast, uncontrollable-sometimes-a-
little-painful pride and love...
and i wonder where she came from...
this bundle of nerve and emotion...
of bravery and happenstance...
who can stand on that stage
under those lights
and belt out the beatles like she was born to do it.

where did that come from.

but this is also to explain
why i am late to the page
and running kind of scattery...
my thoughts feel like they
are all over the place today....

i have a ton of photos to edit...
emails to answer...
a wedding album to deliver
and wedding photos to upload...
laundry to put away...
kids to cuddle on the couch with
to watch the middle and modern family...
fimo snowmen to build...
a husband to snuggle with
{who is making chocolate chip cookies
for us as we speak}

so i'm scattery
and i'm late...
but you love me anyway,