friday i'm in love (the restricted edition)...

Oh. That sounded kinda…
maybe I should have said
the restrictions edition…

It’s Friday night and
I have spend a quiet night
with Iris-the-laptop
editing photos and
going down the
virtual rabbit hole of
heated hair wraps
and drool-worthy artist studios
and listening to
new-to-me music
while eating popcorn
and drinking
caffeine free diet coke
though after today’s debacle
with the amount of sugar
I accidentally ingested,
I realize caffeine may be the
least of my worries. Heh.

Anyway….on to the Friday links of love! ♥


  • THIS. Partly because I have a dad that texts like this.
    and it makes my heart warm & fuzzy every time I
    get a text that ends with “love you. bye-bye.”

  • I know I don’t leave the island much or when I do
    I don’t go too far, but THIS makes me wanna
    pack my suitcase and go exploring.

  • THIS adorable artist….

  • I know THIS is not a new movie but if you
    haven’t seen it, you totally should. I sobbed
    at one point…or maybe 2 points…it was
    sooooooo good.

  • Maybe I’m just feeling a little sappy but
    I feel like I kinda need THIS.

(captain’s log::day three of temporary restrictions complete)

today was....

a scheduled power outage…

being woken up at 5 am
by a loud bang
and jolting up
in bed thinking
”that’s it. this is obviously
when the furnace blows up.”
(even though there is
no reason at all for me to
think that, it’s just immediately
where my brain goes
instead of to whatever
badassery the FOUR cats
of the house may gotten into
which was exactly the case
as they knocked over the cat tree


a dentist appointment that I
KNEW I was getting a filling at,
which makes it the worst kind of
appointment because I KNOW it means
a needle. But as usual, they were super sweet
and super understanding and I only
cried a little bit…silently…hahahaha….

buying myself the cutest little
bear/owl/fox mugs & plates
as a reward for said dentist appointment…
yeah, ok…I cried…
but I still WENT so that is
worthy of a cute little bear reward
(AND they were only 94 cents…
NOTHING is ever 94 cents anymore!)

an amazing supper supplied
by chef’s plate
and prepared by chef emma
and fully enjoyed by me!
Seriously soooooo good!

This one was
Thai inspired
chicken spring roll bowls
that chicken!
Soooo good!
This one was definitely a hit.

a little bit of yoga…

I hope that your Thursday was super sweet…
we are one day closer to the weekend! ♥

(captain’s log::day two of temporary restrictions complete)